ERC721 staking module info library


this library provides read-only convenience functions to query additional information about the ERC721StakingModule contract.

tokens(address module) → address[] addresses_, string[] names_, string[] symbols_, uint8[] decimals_ (external)

convenience function to get all token metadata in a single call


  • module: address of reward module

positions(address module, address addr, bytes data) → bytes32[] accounts_, uint256[] shares_ (external)

get all staking positions for user


  • module: address of staking module

  • addr: user address of interest

  • data: additional encoded data

token(address module) → address, string, string, uint8 (public)

convenience function to get token metadata in a single call


  • module: address of staking module

shares(address module, address addr, uint256 amount) → uint256 (public)

quote the share value for an amount of tokens


  • module: address of staking module

  • addr: account address of interest

  • amount: number of tokens. if zero, return entire share balance


  • number of shares

sharesPerToken(address module) → uint256 (public)

get shares per token


  • module: address of staking module


  • current shares per token

tokenIds(address module, address addr, uint256 amount, uint256 start) → uint256[] ids (public)

get staked token ids for user


  • module: address of staking module

  • addr: account address of interest

  • amount: number of tokens to enumerate

  • start: token index to start at


  • ids array of token ids